June 2, 2012

LifeGuards808.com is a Men's Sexual Addiction Therapy Group that meets weekly in two different locations on the island of Maui in Hawaii.
The first group meets at Hope Chapel in Kihei, while the second group meets at Waipuna Chapel in UpCountry Kula. 

Before someone can be part of either group he must...

1) Contact the therapist (Ross Gunn III) using the Contact website pages at LifeGuards808.com or at SkyviewCounseling.com and let him know your desire to be part of LifeGuards808. 

2) Ross Gunn III will then call you to set up an appointment for an initial meeting. Ross will also email you his Professional Disclosure Statement which will help you to understand ... 
A) The therapist's approach to counseling, his education, experience and world view as a Christian therapist.
B) The rights and issues of the client while part of LifeGuards808.
C) The federal, state and LifeGuards808 limits and exceptions to confidentiality.
D) The amount of time involved each week with LifeGuards808 in therapy and the general length of time a person is in therapy.
E) The client's goals, responsibilities, accountability, motivation and the use of homework in therapy.
F) The cost charged at the beginning of each month for being part of the weekly two hour LifeGuards808 therapy group.

3)  In addition to sending you his Professional Disclosure Statement the therapist will also be emailing you a Intake Questionnaire.  The questionnaire helps the therapist to get to know you better and to understand the various struggles you are facing with your addiction.  All information is confidential, unless it involves breaking the law. 

Again, if you are interested in being part of a LifeGuards808 therapy group then please go to www.LifeGuards808.com or www.SkyviewCounseling.com and fill out the contact form. You will be contacted immediately and a interview will be set up.

In the King's Service,

Ross Gunn III
Part of Skyview Counseling LLC
Office / Cell: (360) 991-7700
Email: Help@LifeGuards808.com
Mail: Skyview Counseling LLC  c/o Ross Gunn III
PO Box 532605  Kihei HI 96753-9998